The pedestal under Gattamelata is composed of two reliefs toward the top with fake doors underneath. Donatello lasciò la città e fu pagato in gran parte dalla vedova del condottiero, Giacoma Bocarini Brunori e dal Senato veneziano con con la cifra di 1650 ducati. Erasmo da Narni, Gattamelata, Leader of Mercenaries (1370-1443). Donatello sculpted this statue and finalized it in 1453. Secondo Vasari, autore de Le Vite, il Gattamelata fu la prima opera di Donatello realizzata a Padova. Anonymous cowboys, natives, warriors etc. The front left hoof of the horse rests on an orb, symbolizing the earth, so representing his power in the entire world. Traxectoria. This was one of Donatello's biggest undertakings, with the final piece produced at life size. He was born in Narni, and served a number of Italian city-states: he began with Braccio da Montone, served the Papal States and Florence, as well as the Republic of Venice in 1434 in the battles with the Visconti of Milan. ERASMO da Narni, detto il Gattamelata. His death in 1443 sparked his family to request for a sculpture to be made in his honor, and it was the first renaissance equestrian statute that was displayed at the time. Francobolli: Erasmo da Narni, Gattamelata (Italia) Mi:IT 1311,Sn:IT 1015,Yt:IT 1049,Sg:IT 1259,Un:IT 1124. Erasmo Stefano da Narni, detto il Gattamelata (Narni, 1370 – Padova, 16 gennaio 1443), è stato un condottiero e capitano di ventura italiano, signore di Valmareno. Donatello's equestrian statue of Gattamelata.. Erasmo of Narni (1370 – January 16, 1443), better known as "Gattamelata" (The nickname means "The Honeyed Cat"), was among the most famous of the condottieri or mercenaries in the Italian Renaissance. The Florentine artist Donatello (c. 1386-1466) stayed for a few years in Rome, together with Brunelleschi. Il monumento fu eretto nel 1453. Around 1430, Cosimo de’ Medici, the foremost art patron of his era, commissioned from Donatello the bronze David. Undoubtedly the Marcus Aurelius statue inspired Donatello. Acquista, vendi, fai affari e scambia oggetti da collezione facilmente con la comunità di collezionisti di Colnect. Gattamelata, bronze statue of the Venetian condottiere Erasmo da Narni (popularly known as Gattamelata, meaning “honeyed cat”) by the 15th-century Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello. The realistic depiction of its muscular form reveals the Renaissance concern with anatomical study tha… Januar 1443[1] in Padua) war ein italienischer Condottiere, der als Metzgersjunge in seinem Geburtsort Narni … Equestrian Statue of Erasmo da Narni (Gattamelata) (Fig. Sinonimi e Contrari. He became Podestà of Padua in 1437. Solo Colnect abbina automaticamente gli oggetti da collezione che cerchi con i collezionisti che li offrono in vendita o scambio. The piece was commissioned by the Republic of Venice to memorialize Erasmo da Narni. 19-11) Andrea Mantegna's murals in the Camera Picta of the Ducal Palace at Mantua are typical of domestic commissions in their subject matter emphasizing _____________. erasmo da narni, detto il gattamelata Una grande figura come quello del condottiero Erasmo da Narni, detto il Gattamelata, (Narni 1370, Padova 1443), evoca immediatamente il celebre monumento, opera di Donatello, che si affaccia sul piazzale della Basilica a Padova; e il non meno noto ritratto del Giorgione, a Firenze agli Uffizi. Brunelleschi’s buildings and Donatello’s sculptures are both considered supreme expressions of the spirit of this era in architecture and sculpture, and they exercised a potent influence upon the artists of the age. Erasmo da Narni — Erasmo da Narni, genannt Gattamelata oder Gattamelà (* 1370 in Narni; † 16. 2010. Erasmo da Narni, the subject of Donatello's Gattamelata, was a powerful and illustrious Venetian nobleman and condottiere (mercenary). The statue was highly controversial at the time of its creation as it was an equestrian monument glorifying a man who was not a ruler. Probabilmente prese il suo soprannome “Gattamelata” dalla forma del “cimiero” che scelse di indossare durante le battaglie, che rappresenta una gatta color miele. The statue depicts Erasmo da Narni, a military leader who was nicknamed Gattamelata. Donatello's depiction of Gattamelata was the earliest equestrian work of its kind created during the Renaissance. Omissions? Erasmo of Narni: | |This article is about the condottieri Erasmo da Narni. Equestrians not qualifying as statues as they are not free standing or have not a monumental size. The statue established a prototype for equestrian monuments in the West. Le risposte per i cruciverba che iniziano con le … “Erasmo da Narni, detto il Gattamelata, è nato intorno al 1370, secondo recenti studi, da Paolo Angeloni e da Caterina. ERASMO da Narni, detto il Gattamelata Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 43 (1993) Nacque intorno al 1370 a Narni (prov. Search from Erasmo Da Narni stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. The statute depicts Erasmo de Narni, who served under the Republic of Venice. In 1433, Donatello was lured away to Padua to make the equestrian statue of Gattamelata. Instead of portraying Erasmo of Narni larger than life size (the usual way to demonstrate the subject’s power), Donatello makes a statement of the power, by the simple depiction of the real man, a stolid ruler, and a warrior in armour with a lengthy sword upon his waist, commanding a powerful horse. Erasmo de Narni (Narni, 1370 - Padua, 1443), más conocido como Gattamelata, fue uno de los condotieros más famosos del Renacimiento italiano.Sirvió a varias ciudades-estado italianas: comenzó con Andrea Fortebracci, llamado Braccio da Montone, sirvió al Papa y a Florencia a partes iguales, y a Venecia en 1434 en los enfrentamientos con los Visconti de Milán. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, - Donatello’s Gattamelata. Erasmo da Narni (Gattemelata) sits high on his horse, looking out to the distance. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. The Equestrian statue of Gattamelata is an early piece that made its way in during the Italian Renaissance. Corrections? Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else. Erasmo of Narni (1370 – January 16, 1443), better known as "Gattamelata" (The nickname means "The Honeyed Cat"), was among the most famous of the condottieri or mercenaries in the Italian Renaissance. It is also believed to be the first equestrian sculpture during the early Renaissance. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Donatello portrays Gattamelata as a composed, alert and watchful leader. The horse echoes the alert, self-contained and courageous air of the rider. Erasmo da Narni, alias Gattamelata (Narni, 1370 – Padova, 1443. január 16.) di Terni) da Paolo, di professione fornaio, e da Melania Gattelli di Todi. The depiction of force of character and the reference to the power of real people flows with the Renaissance themes of individualism and humanism. The emotion on his face is serious. This item will ship to United States, but the seller has not specified shipping options. Shipping and handling. Előbb Firenze, azután a pápa, végül a Velencei Köztársaság szolgálatában állva megszerezte a főkapitányi rangot. Gassion, Édith Giovanna; Gattapone; Look at other dictionaries: Gattamelata — [italienisch »gescheckte Katze«], eigentlich Erạsmo da Nạrni, italienischer Condottiere, * Narni (bei Terni) um 1370, Padua 16. The emotion on his face is serious. For Donatello's equestrian statue... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. Erasmo da Narni (Gattamelata) sits high on his horse, looking out to the distance. The doors symbolize the gates of the underworld, lending the feeling of a tomb, though the monument was never a burial place. 1. Erasmo of Narni (1370 – 1443), better known by his nickname of Gattamelata (meaning “Honeyed Cat”), was an Italian condottiero of the . 00009. Per questa commissione in… Terza edizione. Gattamelata, bronze statue of the Venetian condottiere Erasmo da Narni (popularly known as Gattamelata, meaning “honeyed cat”) by the 15th-century Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello. He rose in ranks to become the General Commander of all the armies in the Republic of Venice. - Nacque intorno al 1370 a Narni (prov. The oldest surviving bronze equestrian statue since antiquity is the statue in Padua of the condotierre Erasmo of Narni (1370-1443), better known with his nickname ‘Gattamelatta’ (the honeyed cat). Si … Erasmo da Narni, dit il Gattamelata (Le Chattemite), est un condottiere italien, né à Narni, en Ombrie, vers 1370, mort à Padoue en 1443 qui s'est illustré comme capitaine-général d'armée de la république de Venise dans la quatrième guerre contre le duc de Milan en 1438.. Gatta-Melati est documenté comme portant le nom de Jean de Nani Gatta-Melata It reflects the artistic trends of the Renaissance: naturalism and the careful depiction of forms. Erasmo of Narni (1370 – 1443), better known by his nickname of Gattamelata (meaning “Honeyed Cat”), was an Italian condottiero of the . It was to be the first major work of Renaissance sculpture. Updates? His hair was blonde like honey and he was sly as a cat. Fu al servizio prima della Repubblica di Firenze, poi dello Stato Pontificio ed infine della Repubblica di Venezia, da cui ottenne la carica di capitano generale. Donatello, master of sculpture in both marble and bronze, one of the greatest of all Italian...…. One relief is of da Narni’s coat of arms flanked by two putti (cherubs, or pudgy, infant angels) that are pointing to it. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. I suoi eredi commissionarono la statua equestre a Donatello per celebrare la figura del loro congiunto. MNH Stamp - Scott #1015. soprannome di Erasmo da Narni. The military leader was nicknamed "Gattamelata." Their Roman sojourn was decisive for the entire development of Italian art in the 15th century. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Erasmo da Narni, called Gattamelata, bronze equestrian statue by Donatello, 1447–53; in Piazza del Santo, Padua, Italy. di Terni) da Paolo, di professione fornaio, e da Melania Gattelli di Todi. Donatello, Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata (Erasmo da Narni), 1445-53, bronze, 12 feet, 2 inches high, Piazza del Santo, Padua Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker Erasmo of Narni (1370 – 16 January 1443), better known as "Gattamelata" (meaning "Speckled Cat") was an Italian condottiero of the Renaissance. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The other relief is of angels displaying battle armor. itáliai zsoldosvezér (condottiere). Gattamelata is the first Renaissance equestrian statue reintroducing, after more than a millennium, the grandeur of classical equestrian portraiture. The depiction of force of character and the reference to the power of real people flows with the Renaissance themes of individualism and humanism. It was completed between 1447 and 1450 but was not installed on its pedestal in the Piazza del Santo in front of the Basilica of Sant’Antonio in Padua , Italy , until 1453. His military victories were well-known throughout the Italian city-states of the Pre-Renaissance period and his family was well respected. Il Gattamelata in realtà si chiamava Erasmo da Narni ed era un capitano di ventura. He was born in Narni, and served a number of Italian city-states: he began with Braccio da Montone, served the Papal States and Florence, as well as the in 1434 in the battles with the Visconti of Milan. He was born in Narni, and served a number of Italian city-states: he began with Braccio da Montone, served the  Papal States and Florence, as well as the in 1434 in the battles with the Visconti of Milan. Donatello portrays Gattamelata as a composed, alert and watchful leader. It was completed between 1447 and 1450 but was not installed on its pedestal in the Piazza del Santo in front of the Basilica of Sant’Antonio in Padua, Italy, until 1453. Soluzioni per la definizione *__ da Narni o il Gattamelata* per le parole crociate e altri giochi enigmistici come CodyCross. Erasmo de Narni, nado en Narni -Umbría- en 1370 [1] e finado en Padua o 16 de xaneiro [2] [3] de 1443, coñecido polo alcume de "Gattamelata", foi un dos condottieri (palabra derivada de condotta, que era o vocábulo co que se designaba ás tropas mercenarias [4]), máis famosos do Renacemento italiano. Donatello, Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata (Erasmo da Narni), 1445-53, bronze, 12′ 2″ high, Piazza del Santo, Padua Smarthistory images for teaching and learning: More Smarthistory images… Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.